Finding the right therapy provider
You can choose from various therapy providers who offer different types of treatment.
A therapy provider that's the right fit for you
The organisations we work with have a range of therapy provider who have expertise working with people who've experienced sexual abuse or assault.
They work with people of different ages, backgrounds and cultures. They can offer different types of treatment, including counselling and other therapies, to provide tailored support depending on your individual needs.
Your therapy provider may be a counsellor, psychotherapist, psychologist, social worker, or psychiatrist. Some of them work as individuals and others work in groups or as an agency.
We fully fund these services, so there's no cost for you.
Search for a therapy provider
Locate a therapy provider near you. Contact with the organisation the therapy provider works for and they'll help schedule you in.
If you need help finding a therapy provider
If you’re having trouble finding a suitable therapy provider, or don't want to make the first contact, get in touch with us. We'll help you find someone and make an appointment.
Phone 0800 735 566